05 Nov

Watch out if you have an SUV or some other tank like car, the eco activists are going to let your tyres down. Whilst I detest these eco warriors with a passion, I do wonder why some people feel the need for such big rough terrain cars in a city? What is the point of bull bars for example? Are you really likely to encounter a herd of wildebeest or giraffes as you drive through Corstorphine? As for 4 wheel drive, how many mud holes or soft sand wallows do you encounter in Morningside?
Big cars are of course the preserve of men and women who think having a giant penis/breasts are a great thing and having a giant car is a similar thing. I call them Dick Mobiles.
The sad thing is that although you could drive through the Amazon or the Sahara with them and out run a herd of zebras you'll struggle if the eco activists burst your tyres as they do not have spare wheels.
If you have a giant car let is know why you feel you need it and how often you use your bull bars to get bulls out of your way?

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