I've just had emergency surgery on my eye to fix a torn retina. The time between diagnosis and operation was only 15 hours. Yes it was an emergency but this goes to show to that the NHS staff are still there for non covid patients and from my experience doing a great job.

Incidentally the sedative I was given was better than any alcohol  you could have ever asked for and was total happy mix (I guess you need that if someone is going to stick needles and knifes in to your eye balls under only local anaesthetic). I'm told I whilst under the influence not only did I ask my lady surgeon to marry me, told the anaesthetist she was has lovely eyes and sang "I'm getting married in the morning". The operation was paused to allow the hilarity to die down 

It's magic stuff and I was quite disappointed when the anaesthatist refused to tell me where I could buy some.

After the op I had a big yellow wrist band put on saying that because I had gas put in to my eye ball then any pressure over the next 3 months could cause my eye to explode (charming). It says I have to avoid flying and high  buildings but since it doesn't define a "high building" so I've been terrified to go upstairs at home in case my eye blows up! It also says that if I die I must not be cremated in case I blow the crematorium up. That would indeed be going out with s bang !

The eye is ok at the moment but I have to keep my head horizontal for 5 days which makes eating and drinking virtually impossible . I could do with some happy mix to get me through.